Thursday, February 7, 2008

evil in the air

Evil in the air
We took a trip to a monument built by the Afrikaaners during Apartheid. It is called the Voltrekker monument and it embodies everything that was and is evil about apartheid and the government that enacted it. I did not take any pictures there because i felt i could not look at that place ever again. There truely is an evil spirit in that massive building, and I could not even finish the tour. There are carvings on the inside walls of the "glory" of their trek across the continent. I am actually having a hard time reliving it writing this post. They actually have carvingsa of whites stomping out tribes and they are celebrating it. Disgusting. After Apartheid ended, the students in South Africa rallied to have the monument demolished. Nelson Mandela decided that even though it was a negetive part of South African history, it is still a part of history and should be left in place. I do not agree with this. The whole time we were there i felt that this place should have never existed in the first place. I was talking with Molefi, who was one of our guides during our time in Joburg, and he also believes that it should be destroyed. It may be a better monument if it talked about the terrible things that it represented, but it celebrates it. I hear that the Afrikaaners have a yearly celebration at the monument. Yuck. I hope to see that building fall someday, and I hope it takes the evil spirit with it when it goes.


KelseyChristine said...

wow that's intense...

Sarah said...

I think maybe it helped you to see and express to us the horrid history of apartheid. Its one thing to hear a story about apartheid, but another to witness that spectacle.

I am so blessed to find this blog and I will remember you in my prayers. I will pray that the Lord pours out His love and that you can cling to it as you live out worldly evidence of evil so far from home.

Anonymous said...

Sounds horrific. evil--Be strong and pray lots.


Devil's Advocate said...

Don't you think it is important to remember history so that it is not repeated?

Jesse said...

DA, As a History Major I am a firm believer in learning history so we do not repeat it. Mt problem with the voltrekker is that it celebrates the dutch conquest of SA. It does not even mention that it was a terrible thing. I also believe that there was a very strong evil spirit living in that place, and the only way to get rid of the spirit, I believe, is to destroy the building.